Sunday, August 22, 2010


sometimes i felt lonely during at church.. sometimes i felt i need someone to care me.. sometimes i tried to have a nice relationship with u all.. sometimes i tried to shut up when the time that not suppose to speak.. sometimes i tried to love u all.. sometimes i tried to stop gossiping.. I TRIED!!! but end up what my responded from u all? i keep thinking myself is it my fault or because of my shortcoming so feel repugnance on me? haih... i hope is not what i think.. i love this family.. Christian Cross means? is it merely a logo for christian? or whatsoever.. ?NOPE! the - means relationship with friends, | means relationship with God.. we keep saying that we need or we want to carry this cross.. means?? that's meant is to have a nice relation with all of my friends(family in church) and have a nice relation with our God..that's important!! hui told us in cell group.. she said:把你的需要去祝福别人..当你祝福你的需要的时候..你就会得到神给你所祝福别人的更多倍..你相信么?? 我相信!! what u need, share and bless to others..once u did, u'll receive what u shared and blesses from God more..i trust it..! and she said: be an automatic human in our life.. need comfort or caring when u are lonely.. u must be the first to caring others..end up u are the one who people care..当你觉得孤单的时候,需要人的关心的时候..不要..! 不要等别人来关心你... 做一个主动的人..当你学习主动的关心别人..你就会成为别人的关心者=) So, even though is my fault.. same way!! i love u all=) God love us too=)we're family=)i dare to admit..... i'm not the person who are automatically..hah!! learn chloe chang..God be with u every time.. goodluck..God bless=)


i'm back !! yes, life's full of fun.. well,church have a small-scale of singing competition recently.. and today is the day of 1st audition.. we spend much of time on 20person..woots.. the audition room is our class..LOL the audition room(our class) had a tense atmosphere.. all of competitors was excited..when they went in, some of them shaken and trembled all over with fear.. actually i don't know what crisis was there because i was helping some committee,but the judge need my sony camera and lend by me..they video it with my camera, so i saw all of the fear looks....wuahahhaahaha is damn funny..xD haih, 1thing makes me bek cek is.... i accidentally deleted all my photos in my camera.. wt?? ish !!! hannah's celebration and the chicken rice shop's photos are deleted.. sorry darlings=( haih.. otherwise i can share to u guys..hmmm~ we have the 2nd audition day on next weekends(forgotten is which i'm not committee,but i'll confirm here when i knew it..:D) so if u guys have interesting in this singing competition can contact me and tell me..hope u all can join ya.. wait for u♥ okay.. finish busying those things.. they planned to have futsal..actually every sunday they had it.. hmm they keep begged me to join but i said imma going back to accompany my mummy and have dinner with her.. heehee sorry again..=p anyway good job to all of us.. God saw our heart and work for it.. God'll commemorate.Amen=)
keep noticed u today..:p every time my sight on u, i'll recall that i'm not the style which u like..then i was like.......disappointed and felt moody:( how come...~ haih fine..missing u all the time:)