hiaks hiaks
always practice for mother's day
damn tired
anythings was stress
especially homework and,
miss u ya
we still are friend what
act nothing happened then anything is alright
no shy here
friend are without shy
damn tired today
after reached home then straight away sleep till 9++pm
how pig am i
tomorrow wanna stand on stage to act a movie of mother's day
i'm the lala mui xD
sure i'll feel excited,scare,and ps
but i can do it^^
cheer it up
after this week
i'll not be here every friday-sunday
i'll change to pj church
excited whats going on
hiaks hiaks
but a thing makes me be deject
because of less hang out with friends
time ran damn fast
already May
we broke up for 3months++
people asked me'wow,you can forget him so fast one?'
guess what i answered
i answered'mmm?? don't know?
whats an answer
how fast how slow got any problem ?
is the same should FORGET what
so far so good=)
seems u too
cheer up=)