Sunday, August 22, 2010


sometimes i felt lonely during at church.. sometimes i felt i need someone to care me.. sometimes i tried to have a nice relationship with u all.. sometimes i tried to shut up when the time that not suppose to speak.. sometimes i tried to love u all.. sometimes i tried to stop gossiping.. I TRIED!!! but end up what my responded from u all? i keep thinking myself is it my fault or because of my shortcoming so feel repugnance on me? haih... i hope is not what i think.. i love this family.. Christian Cross means? is it merely a logo for christian? or whatsoever.. ?NOPE! the - means relationship with friends, | means relationship with God.. we keep saying that we need or we want to carry this cross.. means?? that's meant is to have a nice relation with all of my friends(family in church) and have a nice relation with our God..that's important!! hui told us in cell group.. she said:把你的需要去祝福别人..当你祝福你的需要的时候..你就会得到神给你所祝福别人的更多倍..你相信么?? 我相信!! what u need, share and bless to others..once u did, u'll receive what u shared and blesses from God more..i trust it..! and she said: be an automatic human in our life.. need comfort or caring when u are lonely.. u must be the first to caring others..end up u are the one who people care..当你觉得孤单的时候,需要人的关心的时候..不要..! 不要等别人来关心你... 做一个主动的人..当你学习主动的关心别人..你就会成为别人的关心者=) So, even though is my fault.. same way!! i love u all=) God love us too=)we're family=)i dare to admit..... i'm not the person who are automatically..hah!! learn chloe chang..God be with u every time.. goodluck..God bless=)

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